Monday, March 12, 2007

Glover on the Times dumbing down

Steven Glover in this morning's Indy writes of the dumbing down of the Times which he describes is

"is hardly hot news"

He claims that the process has accelerated somewhat in recent weeks with the sensational headlines

Then there is the front page, which grows ever more sensational. One day last week a picture of a shouting British soldier occupied almost the whole of the front, below, referring to an inside story of derring-do from Afghanistan by the paper's brave correspondent, Anthony Loyd.

And more evidence

Picking up at random an issue of The Times last week, and turning to its surprisingly voluminous foreign pages, I found, interspersed with some shorter, more serious articles, enormous coverage of a not very terrible aircraft crash in Indonesia, yet another piece about Elizabeth Hurley's wedding festivities in India, a quite interesting story about Chinese house prices, and a feature about skywalkers in the Grand Canyon.

It seems though that Steven cannot make up his mind whether this is a bad thing or not

If I were on a desert island, and allowed only two daily newspapers, The Times would probably be one of them. And yet I regret its dumbing down because it was unique. It occupied a different universe to the rest of the press. To look at it now is to see a once unapproachable dowager downing pints with the rest of them in the saloon bar.

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