"If a statesman now wants to impress the nation, the last
place in the world where he will make his speech is in Parliament, because in no
place will it be worse reported. Epoch-making speeches are nowadays all
delivered on the stump."(WT Stead writing in 1887).
After yesterday's debacle at the Beeb who could disagree?
On that subject,writing on the editors blog Helen Boaden cannot apologise more
A lot of you were taken aback and upset by the switch - and
certainly Andrew Neil and the production team were deeply disappointed not to
share this with you after the care and passion they put into the programme on
such a special day.After looking into this, I can at least reassure you that
this was cock up rather than conspiracy. A wrong scheduling decision was taken
for which the BBC can only apologise. Believe me, no one involved would have
wanted you to miss any part of this important event. Thankfully, News 24 was
also covering PMQs live so we hope viewers were able to switch there.
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