Friday, June 29, 2007

A bright future?

With all the doom and gloom surrounding journalism,media shift gives 10 good reasons why there is a bright future for the profession.

They are

  1. there is more access to journalism world wide
  2. that we now have the tools such as Rss to aggregate our sources to tailor make our news experience
  3. digital platforms and delivery mean greater access to the public
  4. that there are more opportunities to check facts
  5. greater collaboration between the traditional mainstream and the amateur
  6. greater participation and transparency
  7. more opportunity for conversation
  8. growing advertising revenues online
  9. more online means a smaller environmental impact
  10. that stories never end

Rather idealistic I believe.Yes some such as greater access and participation and the opportunity for anyone to publish is a good thing.

However there are negatives,the diluting down of the message,too much information and less opportunity to check facts.

As for the environmental impact,saving trees but surely burning up more power as more computers and Tv's stay on for longer

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