Friday, June 29, 2007

Mail to give away brand new CD

Quite a rumpus seems to broken put about over the Mail On Sunday's decision to give away copies of Prince's brand new CD this weekend.

We have had CD's,DVD's given away for many years now in an attempt to boost circulation but this marks a new departure as the album has yet to be released and coincides with the artists return to the limelight.

Not suprisingly it is the music industy which is veermently against the move.The Entertainment retailers assocaition describing it as " an insult to all those record stores who have supported Prince throughout his career."

The record will be available in normal outlets from the 24th July.

For the paper which currently sells around 2m copies it will no doubt provide a massive circulation boost and much publicity.For the artist probably the same and will give the album more exposure which may lead to greater sales.

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