Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Media Standards Trust debates Feral Comments

This via Roy Greenslade,that the Media Standards Trust is debating yesterday's speech from Tony Blair

According to the trust he made 5 critisisms of the media

1. That 'unless [news] generates heat' as opposed to light it will not gain coverage
2. That errors have to be intentional rather than accidental because 'attacking motive is far more potent than attacking judgment'
3. That the media 'hunts in a pack' for fear of missing out
4. That commentary and interpretation have become as important for news providers as news
5. That news and comment are being mixed together as a matter of course.

2 comments so far at 2.30pm whereas on comment is free there is 198

1 comment:

Martin Moore said...

Hi Nigel, please feel free to come and comment on the Media Standards Trust site if you'd like, at, Martin Moore (MST)