He advises his journalism students to
"learn how to use a digital video camera, and to get
used to working in multimedia"
"the future of daily journalism is digital, not because
it is the latest thing, but because it is, quite simply, a far better medium
than paper and ink."
According to Mark,although sites are still primitive,once news organsiations get round the problem of how to make money,they will quickly evolve.
For the future then
"customers of digital journalism will get the best of
all media forms. They can wade into any story that attracts them as deeply as
they wish. Readers will gravitate toward prose, while those who prefer sounds
and images can simply watch and listen. The digital report will not be locked
into the strict chronological format of TV and radio news, but will be much more
like a newspaper, which permits you to begin with sports and weather, if you
wish, or go right to the editorials or comics."
But print will survive because
"Old fuddy-duddies like me will still want their newsCouldnt agree more Mark
on paper and in the driveway every morning,"
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