Thursday, June 14, 2007

Tarted up and dumbed down

Tony Blair may be rubbishing our media in this country but across the Atlantic,an elderly statesman of the media is not very happy about what he has left behind.

Dan Rather,former news anchor on CBS,who left two years ago under somewhat of cloud after 24 years in the job has criticised his replacement.

He has accused the show,the Evening news of dumbing down and tarting up as a drive to attract the younger audience.

The argument goes further as his successor is female and Mr Rather has been accused of sexism

According to Rather

"We have enormous life-or-death issues and challenges facing us in this country and the world today, Everything from the dismantling of civil rights enforcement within the Justice Department to the war in Iraq to news of secret prisons in Europe. Yet, for some reason, Paris Hilton is the big story."

Sounds familiar?????

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