Monday, July 30, 2007

Alleged or not

A very good piece in the Belfast Telegraph (thanks to Martin Stabe) from one of my favourite journalists Robert Fisk

I despise the internet. It's irresponsible and, often, a net of hate. And I don't have time for Blogopops. But here's a tale of two gutless newspapers which explains why more and more people are Googling rather than turning pages.

The first story concerns LA Times reporter Mark Arax who investigated aspects of the 1915 Armenian genocides.(A story always close to Robert's heart).The story was

"killed on the orders of managing editor Douglas Frantz because the reporter had a "position on the issue" and "a conflict of interest".

What the problem actually concerned was the use of the word "genocide".The Turkish authorities have always denied complecity in this affair putting the deaths of over one and half million Armenians as down to civil disputes.Whereas the evidence points to a planned massacre hidden by the Great War.

The deabte still rages to this day with supporters of Turkey and those who supprt its interests still in denial mode.

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