Friday, July 06, 2007

Do we need more Digital Radio.

The news that Channel 4 has won the race to the second national DAB multiplex.

4 Digital Group obviously believes that there is a market for more national stations but I am not so convinced.

The advent of digital broadcasting via radio has been overtaken to a certain extent by the internet and satellite.For customers with access to either there are already a multitude of stations catering for multiple tastes.Quite where ten additional national stations fit into this model is unclear.

Channel 4 radio will operate three new stations,one primarily to cater to 15-29 year olds,a national news network and a music station.In addition UTV will operate a talk station,there will be a Sky news station and a music station backed by Closer Magazine.

If the government was to decide to turn off the analogue radio signals,then it may work,but at this present time the chances of that are nil.

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