Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Philip Knightley yearns for the "Good Old Days"

Student journalist Dave Lee tells of a lecture given by Philip Knightley at the University of Lincoln.

Dave reports that

Knightley’s guest lecture tonight (at the University of Lincoln) was a clear reminder of the old-fashioned dinosaurs that still lurk in today’s journalism. His lecture, which should have been titled ‘The Good Old Days’, analysed the decaying quality of journalism in the UK — a fair point — but badly put.
He insisted that coverage from Burma would have been better produced by foreign correspondents, and not, as it has panned out, citizen journalists. It would provide better coverage, he said.

I commented that

He has obviously been reading Andrew Keen’s book.

Burma is a great example of how citz journalism works.It has been difficult for Western journalists to enter the country and has been for decades.The last atrocities in the late 80’s resulted in thousands of deaths,vaguely reported and the junta stayed in power.Now with the advent of the internet and mobile phones,the news has got out that much quicker.The result?Uneccessary deaths probably avoided and the world is more aware of the problem……
And perhaps…just perhaps democracy might prevail

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