Tuesday, October 09, 2007

A return to sensible Tabloid analysis

After concentraying on Maddy for some time,the Mirror this morning devotes front pag space to a different issues that has been around across the year.

The piece by Tony Parsons asks "Why are our kids killing each other?"

The paper reports on a story which gets a lot of coverage

Rizwan Darber - the 51st youngster this year to die by the knife or gun - was stabbed to death by a gang of teenage muggers because he refused to hand over his mobile. And the more you read of Rizwan's tragic story - the sweet kid studying for his A Levels, his devastated mother and brother, the sheer senselessness of his dying before his life had really begun - the more his brutal murder makes you sick to your stomach.

And Parsons uses this to ask

Suddenly we find ourselves in living in a country where our children are murdering each other.
Murder for a cheap mobile phone. Murder to show how hard they are, how deserving of respect. Murder for drug money, for wounded pride. Murder for nothing at all.
The economy may be booming but lives - especially young lives - have never been so pitifully cheap.
Suddenly we find ourselves in a land that most of us struggle to recognise

Its second leader goes on to say

Our country needs a full, open and honest debate about crime.
The fatal mugging of London teenager Rizwan Darbar shows why we can no longer avoid the discussion.
We acknowledge there are no easy answers and often complex, deep-seated issues need to be addressed.
So let us start now because unless we find the right answers to the correct questions, we will never reclaim our streets.

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