Thursday, October 04, 2007

A taste of the future

Paul Bradshaw has a guest blogger on his online journalism site,and his vision of the future somewhat frightens me.

Here is a snippet

It´s 2015. Newspapers don´t exist anymore. At least, not as a mass medium. Because everyone is living in his own cocoon, his own little world, assembled to his own preferences. Customizable, as the phenomenon is generally called. A television(or a computer screen or electronic paper?) displays documentaries and YouTube-like videos from internet users with the same preferences and the same lifestyle. The mp3-player pounds out songs automaticallty that fit the mood of its user, because the bloody thing can sense the mental state of of its boss. And in the meantime it also suggests some new songs that might match his preference.

I remember a book that was on my English exam course many years ago called "The machine stops".Written well before the interneta nd digital technology was invented,it portrayed a future when mankind lived in isolated cells unable to communicate with each other but contented by a constant source of entertainment and information piped to them.

Then one day the machine stopped and mankind found that it had to fend for itself.of course the majority had no concept of social interaction,only those that had rebelled against the system survived

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If everybody stays in looking at their " telescreen " and listening to "mood musak " on their mp3 player at least they will not be out on the street shooting each other, or innocent passers by.Or perhaps we ( the normal people )should all stay in and leave the streets to the thugs until they have all killed each other. In the meantime let us not be too vehement in our condemnation of " the machine " we are using it right now to communicate but if it ever gets turned off I will still speak to you every now and then !!!