Thursday, October 18, 2007

World Press Freedom Index

The United Kingdom is ranked 24th in the Reporters without frontiers worldwide press freedom index.

The index is based on the number of press freedom violations recorded in the country.

It reflects the degree of freedom that journalists and news organisations enjoy in each country, and the efforts made by the authorities to respect and ensure respect for this freedom.

Interestingly the report says

The Internet is occupying more and more space in the breakdown of press freedom violations. Several countries fell in the ranking this year because of serious, repeated violations of the free flow of online news and information.

Bottom of the pile are Eritrea,North Korea,Turkmenistan and Iran.

The privately-owned press has been banished by the authoritarian President Issaias Afeworki and the few journalists who dare to criticise the regime are thrown in prison. We know that four of them have died in detention and we have every reason to fear that others will suffer the same fate.”

Iceland leads the list

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