Monday, November 12, 2007

LEP's investment in new media pays off

Uclan's relationship with the Lancashire Evening post has been a close one,it seems that the journalism department is constantly running various courses for training in the new media so it is hartening to see that it seems to be paying off.

According to the site HOW DO

Eighteen months after the LEP became the UK’s first fully convergent regional newsroom, editor Simon Reynolds has hailed the development as a great success – but now believes the tougher challenge is how to best manage the huge amount of response.

Reynolds goes onto say

“It’s now become just a part of our business. To be honest, I’m surprised at just how quickly we’ve all adopted and adapted to the new digital age.”

Reynolds is cautiously optimistic for the future of newsprint but he also strongly believes that “print media companies will make it (the digital transformation) and succeed before and better than most other sectors.”

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