Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Will Lewis on the future of the media

Telegraph editors Will Lewis,speaking at the Society of Editors conference in Manchester has given his top five media trends( Source Guardian)

1. Localisation. Newspaper online will get much closer to readers. This will be good news for regional newspapers.

2. Personalisation. "It's all about me," declares Lewis, although he really means the readers. Mobiles and other gateways will become the preferred medium for readers and newspapers will have to service this.

3. Established media will enact as enablers. Newsgroups, rather than just handing down pearls of wisdom, will provide a platform for user generated content and allowing users to be part of a community.

4. Double media. Video on its own and text on its own will not be enough. Readers will want both.

5. Customer obsessiveness. It is no longer a secret about what our customers and readers want, we have an amazing amount of data. We will have to make it easier for them to access.

I think that the last one is an unusual and interesting point to make.

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