Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Express and Star apologise to the McCanns

It is probably unprecedented that two National newspapers make a public apology on their front pages to the same people on the same day.

Roy Greenslade says

I know that The Sun famously carried two front page apologies in the 1980s - to the Queen for running her Christmas address ahead of time and to Elton John for libelling him - but four papers being compelled to carry the same apology has never happened before.

This morning the Express and the Star apologise to the McCann's for what it believed to be over 100 articles that accussed the couple of being involved in the disapperance of their daughter.

The Express says

The Daily Express today takes the unprecedented step of making a front-page apology to Kate and Gerry McCann.
We do so because we accept that a number of articles in the newspaper have suggested that the couple caused the death of their missing daughter Madeleine and then covered it up.
We acknowledge that there is no evidence whatsoever to support this theory and that Kate and Gerry are completely innocent of any involvement in their daughter's disappearance.
We trust that the suspicion that has clouded their lives for many months will soon be lifted.
As an expression of its regret, the Daily Express has now paid a very substantial sum into the Madeleine Fund and we promise to do all in our power to help efforts to find her.
Kate and Gerry, we are truly sorry to have added to your distress.
We assure you that we hope Madeleine will one day be found alive and well and will be restored to her loving family.

The Star says

The Daily Star today makes a wholehearted apology to Kate and Gerry McCann for stories suggesting the couple were responsible for, or may be responsible for, the death of their daughter Madeleine and for covering it up.
We now recognise that such a suggestion is absolutely untrue and that Kate and Gerry are completely innocent of any involvement in their daughter's disappearance.

Of course,these papers were not the only ones to point the finger of blame at the family,therefore these warning shots may be only the first step in the battle

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