Tuesday, June 03, 2008

What youngsters think of the news

AP has released its report into the news consumption of young readers.

You can down load the complete report at http://www.ap.org/newmodel.pdf.

It does make grime reading though and summarize its main findings here.Some will be non too familiar

1.that the 18-34 age group get their news from numerous sources

2.That they are less reliant on newspapers.

3.that they use a multiplicity of platforms.

One of the main findings was that news checking seemed to coincide with looking at email and updates and headlines were often a way of passing time and breaking boredom.News has become part of the multitask environment.

As the report says the participants in the study were seen as displaying rather erratic tendencies with regard to news gathering although strangely there was a demand for more in depth analysis

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