Friday, July 04, 2008

Framing the news over Philips comments?

It is not very often that I take a look at the BBC Bias site but this morning's post takes a look at the websites traetment of the Lord Philips story which has been running in the media.

Why is the article about accepting a role for Sharia in UK law given more prominence (with picture) on the BBC World News page than on the BBC UK page (where there is no picture, and it appears in the "other top stories" section. Oh, and the main story is something or other about a badger cull)?
asks the site.

Another example of promoting the minority?

Well this is the story here which says that

Lord Phillips, the most senior judge in England and Wales, said there was no reason sharia law's principles could not be used in mediation

It is being reported across the media and the Express featured it as front page lead

Anyway the charge seems to be that the Beeb is once again showing its "Islamic tendancies" with comments on the site refering to the Today programme which strongly featured the story and though interviewed 3 supporters of the move and the complaints are that the negative point of view was not heard.

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