Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Hyper Local? Local-It's not the title it's the connection

There has been a fair amount of debate over the concept of hyper local or local journalism and quite what that concept actually means.

For me it is quite simple.It is news that the individual can associate with whether that is local on your doorstep news or local as in terms of an individuals interests and social circle.

Regardless of the definition of what it is,it must attract people to the news,get them to interact if possible and make them take an interest in what is going on.

This may be through taking an interest in local democracy,protest or pressure groups or even joining a local interest club

That is what local is about and that is what the media must help the citizen connect with.

On the topic of local,Alfred Hermida draws our attention to studies for the Canadian Media Research Consortium that suggests that

only 8% said they choose newspapers because they were a source of local news. And even less said it was because they like holding a physical paper

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