Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Tabloid heaven

You get the feeling that Max Mosley's proceeding against the News of the World are going to dominate the papers and push up sales of the tabloids in particular.

If this morning's headlines are anything to go on.

The Mail leads with the headline,It's perfectly harmless and private" and the paper tells us

The bizarre sex life of motorsport supremo Max Mosley was described to a court in all its lurid detail yesterday.
He admitted indulging in sadomasochism and corporal punishment - and paying women to act out fantasies with him.

The Sun adds

He said he got a “thrill” out of being spanked by scantily clad prostitutes and beating them, insisting it was “a perfectly harmless activity”.Speaking in a firm voice, Mosley admitted the orgy in which he acted the part of a prison guard.Some of the prostitutes were dressed as German soldiers in peaked caps while others wore striped uniforms, the court heard.

The Mirror reporting

The boss of FIA, Formula One's governing body, dismissed claims the sexual acts involved "Nazi role-play". He said suggestions that what occurred was brutal criminal activity were "absurd" - but he admitted paying £2,500 to be whipped by a dominatrix and to beat other women. Asked if sadomasochism involved role-play, Mosley replied: "Very much so. It adds to the atmosphere of the fantasy. People try to provide a reason for punishment. It's much better if accompanied by something which seems to justify what is going on

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