Wednesday, August 06, 2008

For PR people print is far from dead

Here is an interesting statistic (Via Editors Weblog).

According to a survey by most PR people prefer printed media coverage rather than online and this despite the fact that research identifies online as being the preferred medium.

The survey by Parker Wayne and Kent found that

More than half (52.9 per cent) of PR professionals believe that offline
media coverage is more valuable than online media coverage.
- Nearly two-thirds (63.8 per cent) of PR professionals believe their
stakeholders refer to print coverage more than online, television or
- More than half (52.9 per cent) of PR professionals believe their
stakeholders are more influenced by print coverage than television,
online or radio.
- More than one in 10 (11.7 per cent) PR professionals believe offline
coverage is becoming less relevant to PR campaigns

Brand Republic asks therefore

Does it mean PR people should be selling online more to their clients to get across the influence of the medium in relation to print? Or does it mean that clients have a lot of catching up to do?


Anonymous said...

Not seeing the wood for the trees? I don't know, the potential with online coverage is greater than print surely. And surely the idea should be to get multi-platform coverage!?

Nigel Barlow said...

Interesting though isn't it Ed,given that the importance of PR in the media world.It shows how much convincing there still is to do about the advantages of multi-platform coverage