Saturday, August 30, 2008

If it bleeds it leads

Over at Media Shift,Jaron Gilinsky takes a look at the way in which the new media can change our perceptions of the situation in the Middle East.

Blogs exemplify the best and worst attributes of the Internet (and human nature). At their worst, blogs can be untruthful, bad sources of news and gossip. But without the profit motive, the need for immediacy, and the thirst for conflict, blogs can also help show a more complete picture of the Middle East. At their best, they can be a great source of anti-news and help demystify this murky region.

According to him the average Americans perception of the Middle East is the fault of the established media

“If it bleeds, it leads,” is the old adage in U.S. newsrooms
he says but he asks

whether the proliferation of high speed Internet connections, digital cameras, and user-friendly blog publishing tools can change the game.

But the verdict is that there is a long way to go

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