Monday, November 10, 2008

Dacre on the offensive-again!!!!!

Paul Dacre is doing his determined best to get himself in the news this morning as he addressed the Society of Newspaper editors.

Not content with his assault on the judiciary claiming that one judge was out to create his own privacy laws

the greatest scandal is that while London boasts scores of eminent judges, one man is given a virtual monopoly of all cases against the media, enabling him to bring in a privacy law by the back door. The freedom of the press is far too important to be left to the somewhat desiccated values of a single judge who clearly has an animus against the popular press and the right of people to freedom of expression. I, personally, would rather have never heard of Mosley and the squalid purgatory he inhabits. It is the others I care about: the crooks, the liars, the cheats, the rich and the corrupt sheltering behind a law of privacy being created by an unaccountable judge.
he is now ripping into amongst others the Liberal Press and the Daily Express.

On the latter he claims that his middle market rival is

owned by a pornographer, who is contemptuous of journalists and journalism, who's just curtailed the paper's pension scheme and who's now doing away with sub-editors,"
and that

considerable sections of Britain's media conspire to undermine mass-circulation newspapers.

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