Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Rupert can't stand the whingers

I have just been reading Rupert Murdoch's address to the Boyer lecture entitled The Future of Newspapers: Moving Beyond Dead Trees.

Adrian Monck has edited version over on his blog and Murdoch makes it quite clear that he will not suffer journalists who whinge about the internet and the effects that it is having on their jobs.

among our journalistic friends are some misguided cynics who are too busy writing their own obituary to be excited by the opportunity.

The opportunity says Rupert is

that newspapers will reach new heights. In the 21st century, people are hungrier for information than ever. And they have more sources of information than ever.

if papers provide readers with news they can trust, we’ll see gains in circulation: on our web pages, through our RSS feeds, in emails delivering customised news and advertising, to mobile phones.

In some respects he is spot on arguing that media providers noe have to be more specific about their customers and target what they want to read

To compete today, you can’t offer the old one-size-fits-all approach to news.
The defining digital trend in content is the increasing sophistication of search. You can already customise your news flow, whether by country, company or subject.

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