Sunday, March 29, 2009

Local support against the cuts at MEN

There was a meeting at Manchester Town Hall on Friday night protesting aboiut the recently announced job cuts at the cities paper,the Manchester Evening News.

Over at her blog,Here's the Kicker Louise Bolotin reports on the meeting where

More than 100 people crammed into an overheated room at Manchester Town Hall - people were sat on the floor and side tables when the chairs ran out, and at least 20 were forced to stand.

What was interesting she says was

that many on the floor were local councillors from across Greater Manchester, local community activists doing great things in their neighbourhoods, ordinary locals who just really care that they might no longer have a local newspaper covering their area.

These people will in her words

go home to spread the word about why local papers matter. What they may achieve is likely to be far more important than the forthcoming ballot on strike action at MEN. Because they will be the ones writing to the letters page of their local paper asking awkward questions about cuts and closures, among other things

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