Monday, June 15, 2009

Glover's evidence against the Guardian

Stephen Glover's campaign against the Guardian continues this morning in the Indy.

Having used his Mail column last week to attack the paper over its editorial telling the Prime Minister that it was time to step down,this morning he lays out eight arguments for the prosecution.

One firm bit of evidence seems to be Polly Toynbee who according to Glover

During the six days of the attempted coup (from The Guardian's leader to Brown's addressing Labour troops on the evening of 8 June), The Guardian's Polly Toynbee was probably given more airtime on BBC radio and television than all other journalists combined. This indulgence of her is significant because Toynbee, a former Brown groupie turned bitter renegade, is a far more effective and fearless critic of the Prime Minister than any single Labour MP or ex-Cabinet minister.

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