Thursday, November 12, 2009

Centotaph wars break out between the Sun and the Mirror

It seems this morning that the Mirror has decided to retaliate against the Sun over its attacks on Gordon Brown's performances around war memorials.

Its front page this morning attacks the Tory leader over his photo shoot at the Garden of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey.

The paper reports how

The Tory leader slipped in by a side gate at 10.15am, 30 minutes before dignitaries including the Queen arrived for a First World War commemoration service.
adding that

Mr Cameron had clearly been instructed on how to behave and moved briskly from pose to pose, often bending down to read the names on crosses as he was snapped.

It follows the Sun's attacks on the Prime Minister's behavior at the Cenotaph when it accused the Prime Minister of forgetting how to bow.

Get ready for the next installment

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