Pictures and words from Haiti continue to dominate the papers.
Hope says the Independent as the paper says
The wretched became the desperate in Haiti yesterday as, despite an extraordinary response from a world queuing up to deliver aid, emergency supplies were still not reaching those in greatest need.
The Observer says that as many as 200,000 may have died,adding that the shortage of clean water was emerging as the new focus of the unfolding disaster.
The Sunday Times describes how Britishfiremen have freed a two-year-old girl from a collapsed kindergarten where she had been trapped for 72 hours since the earthquake that devastated Haiti’s capital last Tuesday.
Miracle in the rubble says the News of the World.Little Winnie Tilin just 16 months old ,was pulled alive from the rubble of her family's home after 68 hours.
Not all the papers choose to lead with Haiti.The Mail on Sunday reports how Susan Tollefsen has become the oldest person ever to be offered fertility treatment by a British clinic.
Whilst the Telegraph reports that the cost of watching live football and cricket on television is set to be slashed as Britain's pay TV industry faces one of the biggest shake-ups in its 20-year history.
There continues to be polutical specualtion.According to the Times,Britain’s top civil servants have warned that Gordon Brown's government is “weak” and “dysfunctional” with a “strategic gap” at its heart.
Meanwhile the same paper reports that a secret and personal letter from Jack Straw, the then foreign secretary, to Tony Blair reveals damning doubts at the heart of government about Blair’s plans for Iraq a year before war started.
On the same topic the Observer reports that
Two days before Geoff Hoon, the former defence secretary, prepares to give evidence to the inquiry, the Conservatives are demanding that it establish the truth behind claims that Hoon delayed ordering enhanced body armour shortly before the invasion because ministers did not want to alert the public to their preparations and stoke opposition to war.
Meanwhile the Independent says that David Willetts, the shadow families minister, appears to have put himself at odds with his leader over tax breaks for married couples,
There are more revelations from former Labour general secretary Peter Watt, in the Mail on Sunday as he claims that Gordon Brown used a ‘secret stash’ of Labour Party funds of tens of thousands of pounds to finance his campaign to oust Tony Blair as Prime Minister,
According to the Observer,Hospitals have been accused of putting patients at risk by agreeing cut-price energy contracts that allow their gas supplies to be cut off with just a few hours' warning.
According to the Independent,police are using controversial car-surveillance technology aimed at catching criminals and terrorists to target members of the public in order to meet government performance targets and raise revenue,
Meanwhile the Times reports that the Met Office faces being dumped by the BBC after almost 90 years. Its contract expires in April and the broadcaster has begun talks with Metra, the national forecaster for New Zealand, as a possible alternative.
Finally on the subject of weather,the Telegraph reports that Midwives and economists are predicting a major baby boom this autumn following the “big freeze” in which heavy snow and icy roads have kept millions of Britons indoors.
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