Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What Wednesday's papers are saying

The economy and chocolate on many of the front pages.

The news that Cadbury is selling up to Kraft is not liked very well.The Daily Express says save our chocolate reporting on a groundswell of public anger at the American takeover of Cadbury which could cost thousands of British jobs last night.

The Guardian describes a bonanza for banks and lawyers involved as the chief executive of Cadbury stands to pocket cash and shares worth £12m from the company's £11.9bn sale to the American food giant

Meanwhile to the economy and the Telegraph leads with a waring from the governor of the Bank of England that families must steel themselves for years of hardship even though the recession is all but over,

The Times also leads with the story.

Mervyn King said that the patience of Britons was likely to be “sorely tried” over the coming years, with pay stagnating and inflation threatening to rise above 3 per cent

Yesterday saw the appearance of Geoff Hoon at the Chilcott inquiry and the Independent reports that he told them Gordon Brown withheld funds demanded by the armed forces in the months leading up to the invasion of Iraq

The inquiry also heard that defence chiefs were prevented from ordering equipment for troops deployed to Iraq because Tony Blair did not want to signal to the UN that Britain was preparing for war.says the Guardian

Meanwhile Haiti continues to bring headlines,the Times reporting a treble miracle as an elderly woman, a young woman and a 15-day-old baby were dragged alive from the ruins in three separate rescues.

Why she is one in a million says the Independent

Her name is Wideline Fils Amie. She is nine years old. Both her parents are dead, and her only possession is the red tartan dress on her back. For the past week, she's been living and sleeping in the indescribably filthy back-yard of the Foyer de Sion orphanage in Pétionville.

Meanwhile the Guardian reports that the UN security council voted unanimously yesterday to approve an additional force of 3,500 police and soldiers for earthquake-devastated Haiti,

Whilst the Sun reports that earthquake survivors began fleeing their corpse-ridden country in tiny boats yesterday

The Mail leads with the first picture of a teenage shop assistant who was murdered as she walked home from work

for Asha Muneer, her job as a shop assistant at Laura Ashley ended up costing her her life. The 18-year-old's trip home along a lonely riverside footpath on Monday evening turned out to be her last when she was set upon and murdered

The Guardian meanwhile that the Independent Police Complaints Commission will rule today that a serial sex attacker remained free to continue preying on women because police officers made serious mistakes during their investigations and failed to take victims seriously.

Finally the story of a strange bet in the Times which tells us that while British and American forces were advancing through Italy in 1944

General Bernard Montgomery paused during his reorganisation of the Eighth Army in Italy to make a bet with General Dwight Eisenhower, who oversaw the Allied invasion of Italy, about when the war would end. Eisenhower reckoned he could march into Berlin by Christmas 1944. Montgomery thought him optimistic. The future of Europe was at stake, but for the two generals £5 (about £170 today) was enough.

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