A wide ranging mixture of front pages this morning.
The Telegraph chooses to lead with George Osborne's list of economic pledges which it says secures Britain’s future prosperity, promising to repay public debt quickly and restore a savings culture to the heart of the economy.
He admitted he was taking a "political gamble" by making his first priority to safeguard Britain's AAA credit rating on the international markets says the Independent
For the Guardian the controversy over cliamte change data continues to dominate as Dr Rajendra Pachauri,in an interview with the paper hits out at his critics and refused to resign or apologise for a damaging mistake in a landmark 2007 report on global warming.
Police Officers are entitled to a minimum four hours' pay, at a rate of time-and-a-third, simply for picking up the phone and making a decision while off duty is the lead in the Mail
The Telegraph adds that Sergeants and constables are also paid double time if they work a rest day with less than five days notice and double time plus a lieu day for working bank holidays.
The Times has learnt that the Chairman of the BBC will be the first casualty in a shake-up of the corporation if the Tories win the general election,
Senior Tory sources told The Times that, if elected, the party would act swiftly to transform the BBC Trust into the “licence fee payers’ trust”, and create a new post of non-executive chairman to work alongside Mark Thompson, the Director-General.
An exclusive from the Independent which reports that a high-ranking officer has acknowledged for the first time that the Israeli army went beyond its previous rules of engagement on the protection of civilian lives in order to minimise military casualties during last year's Gaza war.
Meanwhile Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, told state television last night that Iran is willing to satisfy the UN and send its uranium abroad for further enrichment reports the Guardian
According to the Times,the Nigerian man accused of the failed Christmas day attempt to blow up an airplane is providing useful information to U.S authorities.
There is much more on John Terry in the Sun as it reveals that Vanessa Perroncel had affairs with five Chelsea stars including England captain John Terry,
Meanwhile according to the Mirror,former Steps star Lee Latchford Evans last night spoke for the first time about his relationship with Vanessa Perroncel – and revealed she was always after fame and money.
We should quit the moral high ground and let John Terry get on with being captain writes Matthew Norman in the Independent
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