Lord Ashcroft,what did Jon Venables do, and the death of Michael Foot are the main themes this morning.
According to the Telegraph,Jack Straw has said that it is not in the public interest to disclose why the killer of James Bulger, was sent back to jail despite the Home Secretary saying that people have a right to know.
A theme taken up by the Express which reports that
Government officials have slapped a worldwide injunction on disclosure of any details about murderer Jon Venables breaching the terms of his release.
The Sun leads with a report that the father of murdered toddler James Bulger last night led demands for the TRUTH about killer Jon Venables' return to jail.
Acording to the Mail though,he was sent back to jail after a workplace brawl,
The 27-year-old was said to have been recalled to prison after 'flipping' and attacking a work colleague.
Meanwhile according to the Mirror,hislife has descended into one of drug abuse and brushes with the law since he left jail nine years ago.
The 27-year-old began snorting cocaine and popping ecstasy pills while throwing himself into his local night club scene.
Both the Independent and the Guardian turn up the heat on the events surrounding Lord Ashcroft
Lord Ashcroft kept William Hague in the dark for years about his controversial tax status, the shadow Foreign Secretary admitted last night as new details about the peer's donations to the party emerged.reports the former.
Hague's disclosure put pressure on himself and the party to explain why they have repeatedly evaded questions about the matter in a succession of recent interviews.says the Guardian
The Times leads with the story that the families of troops who were killed in poorly protected Land Rovers have urged the Iraq inquiry to challenge Gordon Brown tomorrow on his funding of frontline forces.
The death of Michael Foot at the age of 96 is covered in most of the papers
Baroness Thatcher, who faced Mr Foot in many fiery clashes across the despatch box in the House of Commons, said she was "very sorry to hear the news" of his death. says the Telegraph
His legacy is significant says the Independent
Not many British politicians have been more reviled than the donkey-jacket wearing, unpatriotic, election-losing Foot. And yet there was not the faintest edge of ancient grudge in any of the generous tributes paid to the former Labour Party leader yesterday from across the political spectrum.
An incorrigible rebel, the former Labour leader failed politically but always followed his mighty heart is how the Guardian describes his legacy.
The Times reports that cChildren’s heart surgery has been suspended at one of the country’s leading cardiac centres,The John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, after four patients died during operations.
According to the Mail,Headteachers will be forced to list children as young as five on school 'hate registers' over everyday playground insults.
Meanwhile according to the Telegraph,
Traditionalist bishops and peers fear that vicars could be taken to court and accused of discrimination if they turn down requests to hold civil partnerships on religious premises.
News from America and the Guaradian reports that Republicans have rejected Barack Obama's offer of compromise over his health reform bill and prepared for one of the biggest battles of recent US political history
The Times says that the president has declared for the first time yesterday that he was prepared to steamroller his troubled health reform legislation through Congress with only Democratic support
According to the Independent
The prospects for the first negotiations involving Israel and the moderate Palestinian leadership for over a year have increased after the nations of the Arab League gave qualified support to a US proposal for indirect talks between both sides.
Finally Maddie is back in the news.The Sun carries pictures of ittle girl's rag doll whichcould have been given to Madeleine McCann by those who snatched her.
According to the paper
The cuddly plaything was among evidence suggesting Maddie was held at a remote house - but Portuguese cops abandoned the line of inquiry.
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