Friday, August 17, 2007

An apology too far

More on the BBC and the John Redwood controversy.The corporation has com in for some critisism tghis week over its reporting of John Redwood's policy inititive and Helen Boaden has apologised for using old footage of the former minister attempting o sing along to the Welsh National anthem.

This morning's Indy carries a piece by Terence Blacker where he argues that the apology may have gone too far.Cynically he says that

So pronounced is the corporation's new addiction to confession that the Today programme might usefully consider replacing its "Thought for the Day" spot with a "BBC Public Grovel of the Day".

Adding that

Redwood's none-too-original brainwave (to save money, it would be sensible to cut red tape) received wide, generally even-handed coverage on the BBC news. The inclusion of an unfortunate incident from his past may not have been strictly relevant or fair, but then politics has never been fair.

Totally agree Terence

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