Monday, August 20, 2007

A check on the rise of the citizen journalist

There was a good piece in yesterday's Independent entitled "beware the march of citizen journalism.

One of the issues that is not always at the forefront of discussions on the subject is the legal implications for journalists,after all the ordinary person with his video phone will not be aware of reporting restrictions.

The piece recounts the following complaint upheld by the PCC

A 16-year-old pupil at John Ogilvie High School in Hamilton, near Glasgow, used her mobile phone to take a video of her fellow pupils misbehaving in class. The Hamilton Advertiser, a local paper, not only ran the story in print but also uploaded the video on to its website.
Two other papers, The Scottish Sun and the Scottish Daily Mirror, also used images from the video to illustrate stories concerning lax school discipline.
The president of the school's parents' and teachers' association, Laura Gaddis, lodged a complaint against all three publications on the grounds the newspapers had not obtained permission to use the images.

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