Friday, August 31, 2007

A step too far for the McCann's?

The news that the McCann's are taking a Portuguese newspaper to task over comments that it made about their role in the abduction is surley the last thing that the parents need to do.

As this story rumbles on and on,whilst I of course sympathise with the parents,their relationship with the media and their self publicity has not helped matters.

This move however badly the paper has treated them will only keep them in the spotlight.

Read Mark Lawson in today's Guardian who says

Even in a culture in which privacy is a vanishing virtue, a significant shift seems to have occurred. A previous era gave children the injunction that they should be seen but not heard. The rule in the 21st century media appears to be that parents should be seen and heard vociferously. Yet there are already signs that this trend towards parental broadcasting comes at the risk of psychological cost to the families and voyeurism for the audience.

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