Thursday, September 27, 2007

Blogging Burma

Given the fact that Burma has lived under a state of virtual martial law for many years with the media extremely tightly controlled,a lot of information is coming out of the country in the form of blogs and video.

For an insight into press restriction read Roy Greenslade on how Burma squashes press freedom

Check this post from the Melbourne Age as well.

Unlike the previous crackdown in 1988-90 when little information reached the world's media,lets hope that this sets another precedent and brings about a change.

Less than 1% of the population have access to the internet yet despite the fact that

The Burmese junta was last night desperately trying to shut down internet and telephone links to the outside world after a stream of blogs and mobile phone videos began capturing the dramatic events on the streets.
In the past 24 hours observers monitoring the flow of information have noticed a marked downturn, with the reported closure of cybercafes and the disconnection of mobile telephones.
(from the Guardian)

information has up to now been getting out.

There are a number of websites run from outside of the country by Burmese exiles,check out Hittaing news though you will need a translator,Mizzima News which operates from Delhi.

This blog is still acccessable at the moment

I didn't get a chance to blog yesterday, since the internet connection was so slow and I was paranoid enough not to keep trying with all of the stuff happening

Others though have been closed

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