With all the other papers looking towards a possible general election the Sun wears its heart on its sleeve this morning with its front page demand for a referendum on the Eu Constitution.
It was probably only a matter of time before Mr Murdoch nailed his colours to the mask.I wander whether this issue alone may now delay an election until 2009.
Here's a taster of the Churchillian issue
Wake up Britain! Our proud nation faces the greatest threat as an independent sovereign state since the dark days of World War II.
We won that titanic struggle against the roaring guns of Nazi Germany.
But we risk losing an equally crucial battle without a shot fired or a voice raised.
Unless we start that fight today, Gordon Brown will sign and ratify the EU Constitution — the blueprint for a United States of Europe — within weeks.
We will no longer have control over relations with other countries, the defence of our nation or the right to run our own police and law courts.
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