Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Thse judge that described Jeremy Kyle's show as "a human form of bear baiting "has in my opinion got the concept of mid morning Tv entertainment spot on.

The judge in the case at Manchester crown court went on to say that he felt the show's producers in setting up the conflict should have been in the dock as well as the defendants

Since its introduction to the Uk's Tv viewers ,this form of viewing is simply degrading.I have often wandered what sort of people willingly subject themselves to this form of publicity and to what end?

Perhaps this ruling will make producers think again?


Benjamin Beasley-Murray writing in the Times

Time was when you could enjoy a spot of bear-baiting of a morning without having to endure the tut-tutting of the PC-gone-mad brigade. In Elizabethan times, Queenie herself was an ardent fan of the sport, while fighting bears – such as Sackerson, immortalised by Shakespeare in The Merry Wives of Windsor – were the celebrities of their day.
Now that you have to traipse all the way to Pakistan to get yourself a bit of ursine fisticuffs, the nearest thing here is The Jeremy Kyle Show on ITV

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