Friday, February 09, 2007

Sun attacks BBC

The paper's editorial page this morning lays into the BBC over its continuin reporting yesterday on the comments made by one of the released Birmingham arrests men:

The paper writes:

IT sometimes seems the BBC would prefer terrorists to succeed than for an innocent man to be briefly held without charge.In their politically correct bubble, intelligence is always flawed and anti-terror action is inevitably heavy-handed.So the release of two suspects held over the alleged plot to behead a British Muslim soldier was a gift from heaven.For 24 hours, BBC bulletins repeated the ludicrous claim by one of them that, for Muslims, Britain is a police state.

Essentially the paper says that the BBC should be supporting the police in anti terrorsim action.

That is not the action of a police state. Far from being too harsh, our police may have been too soft.They should have cracked down sooner on the increasingly assertive minority who pay lip service to liberty but preach murder in the mosque.Action should have been taken to prevent forced marriages and honour killings which, unforgivably, take place on British soil.And marches over Danish cartoons by rabble-rousers calling for death to British soldiers should have been broken up on the spot.It is time the BBC woke up to a dangerous truth.

Is this the paper that a fortnight ago was jumping on the anti racism bandwagon?

The rights and wrong sof the arrest can be debated verbatim but the man has an opinion,he was detained for 7 days without charge and it seems never really questioned about the alleged acts,I think that the corporation has a right to ask these questions.

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