Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Times relaunch Take 2

So half a million people trying to get on the site cause it to crash,but finally this morning I get a chance to look at the new version of Times online.Its first revamp since 2000 and the first thing that is noticeable is the cahnge in the masthead to lime green.An interesting idea,I quite like it,but then I am a fan of bright colours,but I am sure that the traditionalists will prefer the old trad mast head.

The first change is the use of tabs across the top of the page instead of the old version of lft hand columns.It will take some getting used to but first impressions are that navigation is a lot clearer.
The switch between the Uk and the global edition is more immediate and obvious.At the moemnt at 8.40 this morning,the UK edition carries the following headlines

Blair’s closest aide faces ‘loans conspiracy’ probe
Bush seeks billions for war as his ‘surge’ plan escapes Senate censure
Apple warns iPod users off Microsoft's Vista
Vets investigate link to virus in Hungary
With a box link to the Iraq friendly fire video.

The Global edition has
Bush seeks billions for war as his ‘surge’ plan escapes Senate censure
Outrage at Eta prisoner’s interview
A mourning country calls for an end to hooliganism
Apple warns iPod users off Microsoft's Vista

Well believe it or not the site has crashed again at 8.53am

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