Friday, June 29, 2007

Does it matter if everyone blogs?

An interesting piece in the Sydney Morning Herald by Thomas Freidman who claims that

"The blogosphere has made the global discussion so much
richer, and each of us so much more transparent"

Recalling an incident three years earlier he says

I was catching a plane at Boston's Logan Airport and went to buy some magazines
for the flight. As I approached the cash register, a woman coming from another
direction got there just behind me - I thought.
But when I put my money down
to pay, the woman said in a very loud voice: "Excuse me, I was here first!" And
then she fixed me with a piercing stare that said: "I know who you are." I said
I was very sorry, but I was clearly there first.
If that happened today, I
would have had a very different reaction. I would have said: "Miss, I'm so
sorry. I am entirely in the wrong. Please, go ahead. And can I buy your
magazines for you? May I buy your lunch? Can I shine your shoes?"
Because I'd be thinking there is some chance this woman has a blog, or a camera
in her mobile phone, and could, if she so chose, tell the whole world about our
encounter - entirely from her perspective - and my utterly rude, boorish,
arrogant, thinks-he-can-butt-in-line behaviour. Yikes!

An interesting point and would I do the same?,well probably not.Yes the ability to self publish potentially makes anything we do transparent,but so what?It shouldn't prevent us living our lives as we want to,its advantages greatly outnumber its disadvantages


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)

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You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it

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