Thursday, October 25, 2007

Now we have the 5th estate

We have heard of the 4th estate but now William Hutton,Director of the Oxford Internet institute at Oxford University claims that we have a 5th version

In a lecture given by William,he argues that the growth of the internet along with bloggers and citizen journalists has produced a new form of social accountability.He beleives that this 5th estate could be well be as important if not more so in the 21st century as the 4th estate was to the 18th.

He argues that the internet is far more than just the blogosphere and that it plays a role far different than that of the traditional media "by opening up other institutional arenas to greater social accountablity"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for this mention. I would only add that I have tried to argue that the 5th Estate is more anchored in 'networked individuals' than only in blogging or citizen journalism, which tend to be modeled more along the lines of the 4th Estate -- the press and mass media. The University has posted a nice summary of my talk at: