Friday, July 04, 2008

Bad news for Iranian bloggers

Futher evidence of the Iranian government's intolerance of media freedoms.

Earlier this week the government debated a bill that could techinically mean that bloggers in the country could face the death penalty.

MPs on Wednesday voted to discuss as a priority the draft bill which seeks to "toughen punishment for harming mental security in society," the ISNA news agency said.
The text lists a wide range of crimes such rape and armed robbery for which the death penalty is already applicable. The crime of apostasy (the act of leaving a religion, in this case Islam) is also already punishable by death.
However, the draft bill also includes "establishing weblogs and sites promoting corruption, prostitution and apostasy", which is a new addition to crimes punishable by death.
(Khaleeji Times)

Quite what the phrase 2harming mental security in society" means is unclear but surely this is another step towards opppression

Hamid Tehrani explains that

About a year and a half ago, the Iranian government demanded that bloggers should register and provide their names and addresses on a site called Samandehi. Many people believed such a process would facilitate legal action against them.
Bloggers resisted and many published an “I do not register my blog/site” banner on their blogs. The Government then realised it cannot have real control of the situation, or force bloggers to register.

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