Monday, July 07, 2008

Beeb accused of bias in Scotland

The BBC is under attack again this time in Scotland over its political coverage.

The Scotsman reports that

SCOTTISH Labour chiefs have openly accused BBC journalists of pro-SNP bias in a bitter attack on the corporation's political coverage north of the border.
Labour specifically complains about BBC reporters using the phrase "London Government", claiming it is calculated to inflame anti-UK opinion

The parties Scottish General Secretary, Colin Smyth,wrote to the BBC claiming

"Particularly in relation to journalists and senior editorial staff in BBC Scotland, there are legitimate concerns about the use of certain terminology in describing the political process........
"For example, references to the 'London government' are clearly designed to elicit a certain reaction and should be avoided by journalists."
Such editorial decisions place the broadcasters in the uncomfortable position of appearing to be a partial contributor to, rather than a neutral observer and interpreter of, political events.

The BBC has dismissed the claims and the SNP have described them as a "paranoid rant"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is unbelievable considering the totally over the top bias the Beeb gives toward this incompetent government.
All the opposition parties in England and Wales have a much better bias case against the BBC than Nu Labor.