Monday, July 21, 2008

Think before you blog,research before you write

Using the web as a pre research tool before you publish is gaining ground.In a good post over at Wordblog,Andrew Grant Adamson writes that

The tradition of journalism has been to think before you write. You know that any inaccuracies or weak arguments will be quickly exposed. The web now provides a means of testing before launching your thoughts on the larger audience.

and cites evidence of writers such as Jeff Jarvis testing the water so to speak.

Paul Bradshaw meanwhile talks of using

Seesmic as a ‘pre-blogging’ tool. What does that mean? It means that I invite comments on a question before the blog post is even written. It means I do some of my research in public. It means that, in talking through an issue with my peers, I clarify what it is we’re really talking about in the first place.

What both aretalking about is using the technologies of the Web to assist in research and drafting of ideas

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