Sunday, July 06, 2008

The trials and tribulations of getting Al Jazeera in the United States

Over on Global voices,Gillian York reflects the problems for Al Jazeera in the land of freedom.

Reminding us that Donald Rumsfeld accused the channel of inciting terrorism,it seems not surprisingly that America stations are reluctant or take its feed

In order to access the channel from most places within the country, Americans must pay upwards of $45 per month in addition to their usual subscription fee (on the DishTV network) - prohibitively expensive for many.


Burlington Telecom, owned by the small city of Burlington, Vermont (population 39,000), decided to carry Al Jazeera English, sparking debate amongst its residents and leading some groups to protest for its removal

Debate has ranged from

It is time Americans engage the world and expose themselves to voices beyond our borders. Al-Jazeera, English represents just that.

It would seem to me that this fledgling city-owned outfit, already struggling with customer subscriptions far below expectations, would want to provide a varied cable menu without having to feel like they needed to make potentially self-harming political statements.

Roll on Al Jazeera

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