Sunday, July 06, 2008

Violent Britain?

Reading the papers this Sunday morning you would think that the country is disappearing below a wave of violent crime.

Many of the papers lead with a take on the subject,the Independent on Sunday with the news that

Knife violence in Britain is far worse than official statistics suggest, with almost 14,000 people taken to hospital for injuries caused by knives and other sharp weapons last year.

The Express with

THOUSANDS of knives are freely available on the internet for young thugs who are unable to buy them in shops.
A Sunday Express investigation last night ?discovered 15,793 deadly weapons openly for sale on auction site ebay.

The Observer tells us that

The growing fear of knife crime in Britain is forcing hospital trusts and local authorities to supply body armour to frontline workers, including A&E staff, hospital porters, teachers, benefits officers and traffic wardens.

The Sunday Mirror tells us that

A notorious crime gang has put out a contract on the heads of Ben Kinsella's killers.
Associates of the vicious Adams family have vowed to carry out revenge "hits" for the 16-year-old's bloody death.

The Telegraph tells us that Ben Kinsella

had written a letter to the Prime Minister as part of his English GCSE coursework, suggesting parenting classes, curfews and youth clubs as possible solutions. His appeal was found in his schoolbook by his family.
whilst reporting that

A teenager murdered in a street ambush had told his parents he was being targeted by a gang who had threatened him with violence.

And the News of the World on its front page says

THE 16-year-old stab victim who bled to death crying for his mum had a chilling gang secret.This shock picture of Shakilus Townsend brandishing a blade was yesterday posted on the internet by mob pals to ‘honour' the memory of their "fallen soldier

I have just been watching Sky news which is breaking news that a 20 year old was stabbed in Putney earlier this morning and is stable in hospital.The reviewers mad the point that this story wouldn't even have made the news if the other stories hadn't occurred this week.

It begs the question,is this overkill by the media.The politicians argue that violent crime is falling,yet the perception is that it isn't.Even Cherie Blair is saying that she is frightened for her children being on the streets.

So is the media simply reporting the facts or are they fueling the fire?

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