Monday, August 10, 2009

The death of blogging

Whisper it but some people are talking of its demise.

Hopefully this blog wont be following this trend but this was a very interesting post from Emily Kostic over at

As I become more involved and more interested in the industry, I’ve blogged less. As I become more interested in online media, I’ve spent more time in my Google Reader, reading blogs on topics similar to my own. Ultimately, a bad decision, because reading other blogs regularly has hurt my own in countless ways — mostly because I feel that I rarely have anything original to say.

and she continues

Instead, I’ve taken what is probably the lazier (but no less effective) approach of sharing stories and blog posts I like on Twitter, Facebook, Google Reader, etc. Considering a majority of stories and ideas today are shared through means other than blogging, I suppose this is what they say when they say “blogging is dying.”

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