A rather predictable newspaper welcome for the new EU President this morning.
The prime minister of Belgium, a virtual nonentity on the world stage, was confirmed in the hugely powerful new job in a unanimous stitch-up by 27 national leaders over dinner in Brussels,says the Express adding
Herman Van Rompuy's massive pay package, revealed yesterday in leaked EU documents, will make him the highest paid leader in the Western world, earning more than US President Barack Obama.
The EU stitch-up: Low-profile Labour crony made foreign minister so fanatical Belgian federalist can be President says the Mail
The Sun has a classic headline Rumpuy Pumpy is EU's numpty
EUROPE'S obscure new President Herman Van Rompuy was celebrating his £320,000-a-year job last night - together with Baroness Ashton, the equally little-known British peer named as EU foreign minister.
Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2738610/Herman-Van-Rompuy-is-first-President-of-EU.html#ixzz0XNYFnqKL
But even the more European leaning newspapers are not happy.The Gaurdian shares a headline with the Mail calling it a stich up
and the Independent is cool to the idea
Following a trade-off that managed to juggle the competing demands from Europe's left and right political blocs, from the region's big and small states and from those calling for a gender-balanced ticket, the victorious couple were formally anointed at a dinner of the European Union's 27 leaders.
The Times quite simply begins by saying
A Belgian federalist and a former chairwoman of Hertfordshire Health Authority were ushered into Europe’s two grandest jobs last night as it stumbled on to the world stage.
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