What a contrast in a couple of stories concerning immigration thsi morning.
The Express leads with another of its scaremonger stories
THOUSANDS of illegal immigrants were last night queueing to sneak into Britain – and officials in France are preparing to help them on their way, the Daily Express can reveal.
French politicians are plotting to build a new Sangatte-style camp in the port of Cherbourg in north-west France.
Last night riot police were placed on stand-by as scores of refugees headed to a squalid shanty town in hills overlooking the docks.
Whilst at the other end of the political spectrum the Independent reports on the case of"A model immigrant, betrayed by Britain
When Damilola Ajagbonna first sat down in a British classroom eight years ago his thick Nigerian accent earned him the nickname "fresh off the boat", while in the playground he was shunned because he didn't own a tennis racket.
But Mr Ajagbonna, now 19, was determined to succeed, and last year he was offered a place at Cambridge University to study social and political science.
Today Mr Ajagbonna, described by a judge as a "remarkable" young man, faces being forcibly removed to Nigeria because he was six weeks late claiming British citizenship under immigration rules for children.
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