Friday, June 26, 2009

How fashion is using social media-Does it spell the end of traditional PR?

There is a good piece by Rob Brown on Pr Blog which looks at the way the fashion world is using social media tools.

He writes that

With the impact of the social web, consumer to consumer communications are edging out some of the traditional brand PR messaging. Consumer opinions are more important than ever in influencing the dreams and desires of the consumer.

For the world of fashion this

provides consumers with front row access to all of the international shows and this enables them to see trends without the intervention of the mainstream fashion media.

thus broadening the range of potential customer in a way that the old media routes couldn't.

So is this the end of traditional PR? Probably not in the same way that social media will never substitute for creative content.But it will form part of a very important feedback loop for all products and services.

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